Colegio Interamericano is proud and thankful to have a parent association – OPAI – (Organización de Padres de Alumnos del Interamericano) that works together to organize different activities for the students while promoting a sense of community on campus.
OPAI’s main objective is the welfare of our children by promoting unity among the community of students, teachers and parents.
All parents are welcome to support OPAI through any of the following opportunities:
You may contact OPAI by emailing
Escuela para Padres (School for parents) at Colegio Interamericano organizes conferences and workshops given by local and foreign professionals in the fields of education and psychology. These conferences focus on the difficulties and challenges parents face every day regarding educating their kids.
Escuela para Padres is a learning opportunity, a place for parents to learn strategies to improve how they handle their children’s behaviors. Through obtaining information, sharing experiences and reflection, parents start applying appropriate skills to prevent and solve problems that arise their daily lives.
Being a parent is not an easy task, so we are here to help!